How to Start Your Article Writing Service

The beginnings of any article writing service are hard, especially if you are not experienced with writing. First, you will have to be published online, and then you must offer affordable articles to your clients. It is important to have your own blog about internet article writing, a blog that also contains some of your samples. This way, possible clients would not be afraid to ask article writing jobs for you, knowing that they are dealing with a professional writer. It is also important to determine the value of your article writing service. It is impossible to receive 10 $/500 words at the beginning of your career, even if you are a master of writing. You will have to start small, and if you are good at it, you will see the value of your article writing business growing.

Publishing your first article

You might create your own blog using free platforms like BlogSpot or WordPress to publish your articles. You will need those not only to create an online name as a writer, but also to publish the failed projects there (and you will have some, believe me). Another method would be to use the services of Share Revenue sites. Don’t expect to get rich from those sites. Some people claim to win hundreds of dollars with those sites, but I was not able to do this. Those writers might be able to win some money from publishing articles there, as I have seen articles on Triond and Bukisa with 25 000 hits per year, and I am sure an article of this kind brings serious incomes. For me, the best income brought by an article published there was… 6 cents a month. However, it is important to publish articles there for various reasons.

– You will be a published author. Clients like the writers that publish online, as it means that the respective writer is passionate about his or hers work. Some of your clients would not even be interested about your samples as long as you can’t show them that you are a published author.
– You will be able to customize your article. Some of those sites have some customizing options, such as the possibility to add links to the article, or to highlight certain words, and even to link them with other articles and blogs.
– Those sites have social networking capabilities, meaning that you will be able to publish your article directly on social networks. It is a great method to obtain feedback from your friends, but also to create a writing community around your article writing service
– You will prevent others from stealing your articles. If you give an original sample to a client, you will risk for that client to steal your sample. As long as it is published, he can’t use it.

The most important writing sites based on the Share revenue concept are Triond, Bukisa, Squidoo, Hub Pages and Helium. It is not the time or the place to describe each one of those sites. Some say that EzineArticles is the best, and they might be right. However, EzineArticles is great if you want visibility for other sites and blogs of yours, not for revenue, as this site does not have a revenue sharing feature. However, you can publish some of your work here, and you can promote your affordable articles this way.

You will find advanced details about those sites on the specialized section on the blog. What matters is to use them for those matters, and who knows? Maybe you will be able to make the hundreds of dollars that I was not able to do with those sites. Moreover, even if you will not get rich from those sites, the satisfaction of seeing your name on one of those sites is immense.

Finding clients

If you have followed those steps, you probably have some articles to promote your internet writing service. Before looking for clients, it is a good idea to write more, on different niches. You already have the guidelines to write on different topics. By covering as many niches as possible, you will not only be able to determine your strong and weak topics, but also to see how many words you can write and what your capacity is. It is an important matter. Even if you like a topic, if a client requests 50 articles in 3 days, you might think you can do it, but if you write one article per hour, simple calculations say it can’t be done. As soon as you have 10 solid articles in your portfolio, it is time to become a published author on the internet, and to increase your popularity as a writer.

Using the Power of Elastic: 7 Ways on How You Can Train Hard and Effectively Using Resistance Bands

I’ve used weights to train with for many years and still use them in some instances. Nowadays, I stick with elastic resistance bands for training. There are many benefits as to why each person should be using them as part of their overall workout. One of which is that resistance is continuous throughout each movement. In a sense, it mimics functional strength and fitness movements.

Just about anything you can do with weights; you can do with resistance bands. And that’s even more so with certain bands. You can take resistance bands just about anywhere, including vacation spots. Some resistance bands are constructed in such a way that enables one to do more. For example, I use the Gym in a Bag ™ system by Flexsolate™. It’s a gripless system of different strengths of bands. One exercise I am able to do are jumping resistance squats, using the ankle straps. This is just one of many systems in the marketplace. Find the one that suits you.

I’m going to describe 7 ways that will enable you to train hard using bands. It’s important that you know to get the most out of training. Oh, and before we begin. Make sure you use bands that are new. Using an old set make have cracks on them and may snap. You could end up hurting yourself. So, make you also check for any cracks. Replace, if necessary. It’s low cost to do so.

Now on to the 7 ways…

1. Train like a powerlifter. Back in my early days of weight training, I trained using the big three. Those were squats, deadlifts and bench presses. Those three lifts worked every single muscle in my body and built massive strength as well as muscles. With resistance bands, you can emulate those lifts and be safer too. Resistance squats can be done simply by anchoring the bands to your ankles. From there, simply bring the other end around your shoulders and neck down to the other ankle. Now you have resistance. Deadlifts can be done by stepping on the bands and holding on to the grips and then lift up. Resistance pushups can be done by bringing the bands around your back to your hands. Adjust by shortening or lengthening the band(s).

2. Train like an athlete. Resistance bands can be adjusted to simulate each athletic event and make it more sports specific.

3. Train like a bodybuilder. Resistance bands can be used to isolate muscles and focus on building the size of each one. By combining this with the powerlifting training, size will happen fast. Make sure to take in enough protein and carbohydrates.

4. Train to burn fat using circuit training. By using resistance bands, one can do 5-10 different exercises in non-stop sequence to increase their heart rate. This form of high intensity interval training is very effective in burning fat. When doing 2 or more circuits, make sure to rest for 1 minute between them.

5. Train to burn fat using resistance cardio workouts. One example is to anchor one side of the resistance band to a stationary point, such as a doorjamb and the other side to your waist. Then do running in place with resistance.

6. Train like a martial artist. Using resistance bands, you can do kicks as well a punching with added resistance. Not only is this effective for the martial artist or any other fighter, it also is great at burning fat. That’s especially true when doing the movements in fast, short burst with a short rest between them.

7. Train with a partner. This one is obvious. Having a good partner will keep you motivated as you both have goals and will push each other. You can use a partner in each of the previous ways discussed. Motivation and consistency are important in any fitness program. Having a partner will make each accountable to the other.

I wish you success as you venture into using resistance bands as part of your overall fitness routine. It’s great for all areas and can be done anywhere. Even at your place of work or when you are on an airline. I sure did. Have fun too.

Choosing the Best Physical Therapy Schools

Physical therapy is growing rapidly these days and many people are joining this career. It deals with helping patients who want to recover from physical body damage. If you want to help these patients, you need to enroll into the best physical therapy schools in your state or online. To succeed in your endeavors you need to start by choosing the best schools and also decide to study for a masters or doctorate degree. This is because physical treatment is not an easy career to pursue, but it can also be fulfilling and interesting. There are several things that you should think about before you contemplate which physical therapy schools that will mold you for a better chance to succeed in the industry.

First and foremost, to get to the best therapy institution you need to research painstakingly. Through thorough research, you will be able to know the specialization that you should pursue as a physical therapist. This search will also help you know what the state requires and what the market has for you. It will also guide you to a list of the available schools that you should join and the requirements of each and the schools training background and much more. You can get this information from websites or get referrals from family members, friends or students who have been to these schools.

Secondly, you need to decide on whether to join accredited or unaccredited schools. It is advisable for one to study in accredited schools. This is because a diploma or degree from unaccredited institutions will not open great employment opportunities. Location of the institution is also imperative. You need to join an institution that is close to you as you will have enough time and energy to reach the schools and also have time to study but not spend it commuting. Alternatively, you can enroll to online schools and start studying physical treatment from the comfort of home, office or when traveling.

Additionally, you should also know the available physical therapy courses that are available for you. You should make sure that you specialize in a course that will make it easier for you to get employment. Some of the physical therapy programs to join are orthopedic, pediatric, geriatric therapy and more. Lastly, you should not fail to look at the cost of studying. You should thus join physical therapy schools that offer their courses at affordable prices although they vary from one school to another.