How to Learn to Speak Spanish in No Time

How to learn to speak Spanish in no time? Is it possible to learn Spanish in a few months? If so, how to do it? If you are asking yourself these questions, this article is for you. I’m going to show you some simple methods that will help you do it. Here they are!

1. Concentrate on the most important things

What do you want to do with Spanish? If you want to use it to interact with native speakers, what things are the most important for you? Some simple ideas: basic grammar, words related to your interests, your accent (pronunciation and intonation rules). You should also always learn the most common words: 2000 or 3000 most common words will tremendously help you speak Spanish quickly.

2. Make it fun and practice daily

Have fun while learning Spanish – it’s one of the most important things to do! Learning from handbooks or taking classes usually isn’t very fun and that’s why it’s so hard to learn Spanish in school. How can you have fun while learning Spanish? It’s simple: start living through it. You can watch Spanish movies, listen to Spanish music, watch Spanish TV or interact on Spanish message boards about your interests.

3. Interact with native Spanish speakers

If you live in the United States, you should know that there are about 35 million Spanish speakers there. I’m sure that you can find some native Spanish speakers in your area and practice with them. If not, travel to Mexico with a cheap airline and practice there!

Put these tips to use and I’m sure that you’ll learn to speak Spanish in no time! Really, you don’t have to be a genius to learn a new language, and Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn for native English speakers (because it’s very similar in terms of vocabulary).

Are You Ready for the Big Competitive Exams Like CAT, JEE Etc?

Check your Resolve

Please verify whether you have a deep-rooted resolve to do something Exemplary in your chosen area of study. These exams are not for the ‘also run’ or ‘mediocre’ students. They are meant to select the best of Talent; Are you Ambitious enough

Do you have the fire in your belly to achieve the greatest of recognition.

Thirst for doing something special or innovate in your chosen field. Well if you are not then this is not for you. Are you willing for Hard Preparatory work These exams call for really good standard and the aspirants are expected to put in substantial hours of study in preparing for the tests.

Thorough preparation

As the questions are expected to be difficult, there is no way a student can try to solve it if he /she confronts it for the first time. What I mean is, he should have done enough exercise / preparation to have some familiarity with such type of questions.

Time Management

It is not only important to answer the questions correctly but also to do them within the time span. In case of difficult questions just move over to the next one and continue answering as quickly and as correctly as possible. You can always comeback to re-visit the difficult ones later because there are negative markings for wrong answers.

Social Responsibility

If you are the chosen one to get selected in these examinations, pursue your goal with your whole heart and come out with flying colours. Remember for every one of you selected there were thousands who did not make it and you have no right to fritter away your opportunity. A brilliant person like you can make a lot of contribution to the society. Do not neglect your responsibility by running away to a foreign land for greener pastures deserting your country.

What if you did not make it

It is perfectly alright if you could not get selected by these institutions. Celebrated they may be, they are not the only means to achieve your goals. After all there are very few Einstein’s or Graham Bells in this world and still we go on!. Choose a line that is close to your heart. It is not as much as what you do that is important as how happy you are doing whatever you do. Remember there are several very successful businessmen among us who are Billionaires and they had never been to business school or even college! GO ON! Make your choice and give your heart out!

Educational Marketing: Educate Your (Potential) Customers

… so when they are ready to buy, they will contact you.

You may have excellent products and services, but people are tired of promotional messages. How can you still let the world know about your exceptional offering?

Educational Marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach this tough audience.

The idea behind Educational Marketing is quite simple: say something useful (i.e. informative) to your listener and she will open up and start paying attention to what you have to offer. Educate prospects so they buy from you when they are ready and inform others.

With Educational Marketing, you publish education-based materials (in all forms of media you use to communicate with your prospects) rather than focusing solely on publicity or ‘buy my product’ messages. For example, when you go to a trade show, your approach would be: ‘Okay, you have this problem and you can solve it this way. And by the way, my product does XYZ.’

Apply this tactic to your business!

As a partner in a law firm, you could publish articles in which you present cases you have handled, what happened and why, and also what could have happened had the parties acted differently. This is interesting and educational for your audience, while you are seen as an expert in your field and the person to go to when people need legal advice. (And of course, this strategy reminds people that it’s better to use the services of a lawyer than to do things on the fly and end up in a disaster.)

You might even raise awareness in your community about a front-page social problem and get involved pro bono in solving it. Constantly running social responsibility programs along this line would not only give everybody in the community a positive feeling about your brand, but also make your employees feel good about themselves and their firm. Alternatively,

Educational Marketing also enables you to inform your customers in a way that bolsters your brand and the perception of its quality. For example, if you run a restaurant, you could incorporate educational content in your menu. Stun your guests with the premium ingredients you use in your salad, the special qualities of the sesame oil in your seafood or the fascinating history of your finest wine. Once impressed, your guests are more likely to happily pay the price for more expensive products.

Education-based messages:

– increase the power of your brand in the eyes of your customers, potential customers, or people who can recommend your offering;

– build top-of-mind awareness (when people want to buy what you offer, they will immediately think of you / your company);

– help you and your business become an authority in your field – so you become the preferred choice without people ever questioning why;

– attract more clients, as well as enthused fans (who buy from you and recommend you to others).

Use any communication channel you can, such as mailings, newsletters, regular client surveys, public relations (PR), trade shows, awards ceremonies, industry seminars for the benefit of your clients, trade associations and internet.

Write down in comments which educational marketing strategies you use and get inspired by others’ ideas! Also, test your marketing using Marketing Lens Diagnosis and use our ideas in your business!